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Quick-Start Guide for Eggmans
Author : Dark Angel, Category : Tutorials, 2 Replyes, 1256 Views
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Thumbs Up  10-25-2014, 03:34 PM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2014, 07:54 PM by Dark Angel.)
A simple guide primarily meant to introduce to my fellow Eggman players the strategies and tactics we use on Dust 2. This guide details and explains weapon purchases, round tactics, and critical grenade throws at a beginner level. Currently incomplete.

Key Terms and Terminology:

Let me explain several key terms that, when fully understood, will accelerate your understanding of Counter Strike: Global Offensive.
  • Plant Spots A + B: you should know this
  • Plant Spot C: a often mythicized location where occupants are claimed to have reached nirvana
  • long: do you have any depth perception, dumbass?
  • rush: a strategy in which participants (usually just one) recklessly W+M1 regardless heavy defenses
  • wallbang: shooting someone through a wall, using valve's realistic penetration system
  • popflash: a flash grenade thrown in such a manner that it detonates instantaneously upon entering someone's line of view, usually the enemy's
  • entry frag: killing the feeder before the main fighting begins
  • AWP: godmode weapon, a oneshot sniper rifle
  • banana: a flanking maneuver, alternatively a location
  • push: moving from a defensible location to enemy controlled zones
  • save/saving: an excuse a invokes to hide so his equipment will continue to the next round
  • eco: a round that a low amount of money should be spent so good equipment could be spent next round
[Image: CE69704E8A659DF2076E70C9281AB69F5591AE7F]
  • one deag:a one shot kill with the Desert Eagle, often invoked as a joke by those who can't shoot for ♥♥♥♥
  • gaygun: the nickname coined by Silver 1 players everywhere for the auto snipers.
  • M1: the m4a1-s, alternatively the primary rifle used by U.S. soldiers during the 1940s.
  • M4: the m4a4
  • ctb: ct base, ct spawn
  • tb: terrorblade, a frustrating carry to play against in DOTA 2.
  • gl: good luck
  • hf: have fun
  • glhf: get lag have feeders
  • k: kills in a round, e.g., 3k = 3 kills. 0k = feeder.
  • cat: short
  • short: cat
  • gs: good shot
  • nt: nice try
  • nj: new jersey

Master these terms and watch as others tremble in fear at your knowledge of the game.

Weapon Buys:

The Golden Rule

Unless you are stomping 16-0, if you are ever sitting on more than $5000, you are doing something wrong.


These are all the pistols you can buy:

[Image: 3A718381603F0EECFD7957D2C991A0DB00F60554]
[Image: 9FFBDC0EF801118F0653A9E6CD000431E519E3F5][Image: 5BB173402762042519F44A37A14995081FEF6EC5]
[Image: 5848F7D6C6D8C4B16D589783CDA193E758613CAC][Image: 748002013985AB908AF45FF8F01E9722FAFF349E]
[Image: CE69704E8A659DF2076E70C9281AB69F5591AE7F]

These are all the pistols you should normally buy:

[Image: 9FFBDC0EF801118F0653A9E6CD000431E519E3F5][Image: 748002013985AB908AF45FF8F01E9722FAFF349E]
[Image: 5BB173402762042519F44A37A14995081FEF6EC5]

If you are a person suffering from learning disorders YOLO MASTER, then buy the Desert Eagle.
These pistols are effective due to their high accuracy and one headshot, regardless of armor, potential. Cost-wise, the P250 is the most effective, being $200 cheaper than the $500 pistols and still retaining a one headshot potential.
P2000 vs. USP-S
The P2000 has more bullets than the USP-S, but has slightly worse starting accuracy. However, it has a terrible recoil pattern compared to the USP-S. Both pistols will kill on headshot during the pistol round, and honestly, it is up to personal preference as to which gun should be used.


Also known as the Shotguns, because the machine guns do not exist.
The Nova and Mag-7 are good shotguns and should only be bought if you are a Terrorist or Counter-Terrorist, respectively. The Sawed-Off is terrible, never consider it. It costs the same amount of money as a Nova, but it's accurate up to the range of a knife.
The XM1014, also known as the Auto Shotgun, should be bought only when you are tired of winning and enjoy dueling AWPs, because it is also the only shotgun with unlimited range. The effective range of this shotgun is nearly double that of other shotguns.



PP-Bizon is situational, which means it's useless outside of one round, the one the follows a pistol victory. This is because it does nearly half its damage against armored targets, thanks to its abysmal armor penetration.
IN THE CASE THAT YOU CAN SHOOT FOR, BUY THE UMP-45. It has good damage, armor penetration, accuracy, and a good spray pattern, not to mention its price. Headshot with this gun, bodyshot with this gun, it doesn't matter. Hit them, and it will hurt. Also, it's objectively the coolest looking SMG.
Guns not mentioned weren't worth mentioning.


Also known as the "not Silver 1 weapons", learn how to use these, and you will be not Silver 1.

As for the AWP, let's see the standard silver team lineup.

As for the AWP, let's see the standard silver team lineup.

[Image: FC3D89D1C0B373AF739C9F45606414CEFEA9CC34]

This gun is a one shot weapon with extreme accuracy. Try to mess with one using this gun, and you will regret it. That being said, that doesn't mean this weapon is a free ticket to Global Elite. This weapon costs a ton, and losing it means your team is ed, because the enemy can pick it up and use it against you. I recommend not buying it, or if you buy, give it to me.

Terrorist Side
The Galil AR should only be bought if you can't afford the AK47, purely because it cannot get a kill with one headshot.

[Image: F81276AAE671DA4F979055F8E29624642E54A303]

is God. Buy this gun.
This is how many AK47s you should have on your team.

Headshot with it. It does the most damage out of every assault rifle, excluding the SG 553, and has a basically guaranteed accurate shot on the first tap.

[Image: 2F99B7C61699614A7B87DB6ABA7E2E59E742018C] This sticker is inaccurate. It should actually read "my other AWP is an AK47".

The SG 553 is basically an AK47 with a scope that costs $300. It also one headshot kills like the AK47, but has an extremely ty recoil pattern without zooming in. I only use this weapon when our strategy is Long A. It also has 100% armor penetration, so its equally effective on armored opponents as unarmored.
The G3SG1, more commonly known as the gaygun, could be thought of as a semi-auto AWP. Set up in a proper defensive position, a player with this gun can easily secure long passages such as B tunnels, A catwalk/short, or A Long. The only way to beat this gun is with an AK headshot, grenades, or an AWP. Unlike the AWP, this gun takes two bullets to kill, whereas the AWP only requires one.

Counter-Terrorist Side
FAMAS: Unlike the Galil AR, the FAMAS is a very solid weapon. It does have a low clip size and damage values, but the accuracy is decent. Tap fire with this weapon.
The M1 and M4 are the CT's primary rifles. The two have their differences, which will be covered below.
M4A1-S? M4A4?
M4A1-S compared to the M4A4:
+ Better accuracy
+ Easier recoil
+ Quieter
+ Cheaper
- Less magazine size
- Less reserve ammo
The M4A1-S is primarily used, both in PUGs (pick up games) and professionals, mainly because of its cheaper cost (-$200) and better accuracy. The M4A4 still does have its uses. Because it has a bigger magazine size, players in charge of defending B and Long A should equip this over the M1. Basically, wherever an auto sniper can set up, the M4A4 can too.
Think of the AUG as an M1 with an extra scope. It has the accuracy of the gun, and the lethal headshot of an AK47. Fire this gun in bursts, because it has extreme starting accuracy, and only fire it through the scope. It costs $300 more than its Terrorist side counterpart, but it is still worth it.
The SCAR-20, also known as gaygun #2, has basically the exact same features and stats as the G3SG1.


The Other Golden Rule
If you want to win, buy grenades.

I have a middle school education in math, and even I know the critical CS:GO equation when it comes to grenades. no grenades = no win
Unlike in other games in the series, grenades in Counter Strike: Global Offensive will now take into account the momentum of the player for their trajectories. This means that a running player will throw the grenade farther than one standing still. Left click means the grenade will be thrown. Right click means the grenade will be dropped at one's feet. Left+Right click means the grenade will be tossed.

Generally, you will be buying a smoke grenade and two flashbangs. These two grenades are the most critical ones to take and hold a bomb site.

Smoke Grenades
[Image: 63CE10EC0F350F424796F5B4312EECCCD102C0F7]

This, along with the flashbang, is the most vital grenade. This is the grenade that will allow you to break apart fortifications. This grenade will activate when it stops moving. When deployed, an opaque smoke screen will be spawned for fifteen seconds. Players inside and on the edges will have their vision impaired. Several uses of this grenade are listed below.
  • Block the view of snipers
  • Block the view of enemies
  • Block the view of friendlies
  • Drain FPS
  • Extinguish fire
  • Distract players

On Dust 2, this grenade is critical for taking Long A and Middle B. Without this grenade, CT players can take shots at you as you cross CT spawn. This grenade is also important on CT side. Place this smoke grenade at B, and an entire advance will be stopped.
However, smoke screens will not block bullets, flashbangs, or other grenades going through it.


[Image: AFE2490174600D2C6F528CB3B038F68101BF6A5D]

The other most important grenade in the game. This grenade detonates on a timer, starting from when it is thrown. Players looking at, or even standing near, a flashbang will get a whited out screen and muted sounds. The effects of this grenade degrade over time, and it is not as effective farther away.
This grenade is essential when entering Long A and B tunnels. Throw this ahead of you to break apart the defenses waiting for you. As players who are blinded are easy targets, take advantage of the 2-3 seconds to kill the enemies. Also, because flashbangs have no allegiance and will affect your teammates, please announce when you are throwing a flashbang.

Decoy Grenades

[Image: 0D44CD7A4D8523325193073D336258594D23810A]

This grenade activates when it stops moving, like the smoke grenade. When activated, the grenade will emit the firing noises of your most powerful gun. It will also show up as a red dot on the other team's radar. I recommend that, if this grenade is ever bought, to throw it during the later half of the round, when the enemy's knowledge of your positions aren't so exact. I've caught out many people peeking the wrong direction, or even knife running because they thought the decoy grenade was an actual player.

HE Grenades and Incendiaries

[Image: F8569778BAF8EF9B99CB4AC489A9684903A1741A]

I group these two together because they serve a similar purpose. These two grenades are the only ones that are meant to damage. The other grenades do 1 point of armor damage on impact. The Frag Grenade does tons of damage, up to 96 against unarmored, and 57 with armor. It activates on a timer, but never turn a corner with this grenade equipped. You do not lead with this grenade, infact, you do the opposite. When combat has died down and a party is wishing to disengage/reload, that is when you use this grenade. Can't hit someone behind cover? The HE Grenade can. Generally, unless you bounce this grenade perfectly to land at someone's feet, it will only do 20-30 damage, so do not expect this to be a miracle weapon.

Incendiary Grenade/Molotov

[Image: 45CDEE06AA509471FD1681F4A7B1C47BF446D165]
[Image: FDC74274CC9A6FE78C33EFABF0FD4F53D99E4C79]

The Incendiary Grenade/Molotov is the same grenade on both sides with a model rework. It will explode on first impact with the ground. The flames generate smoke, which do impede vision somewhat, but not much. This is like a Smoke Grenade, except it primarily blocks movement instead of vision. This is also known as the "area denial" grenade. It does damage extremely quickly and will burn health and armor together.Terrorists will use this to buy extra seconds for the bomb to detonate, while Counter Terrorists end up rarely purchasing this grenade. It does have its uses, however, in flushing out snipers and stopping rushes.

Grenade Spots


[Image: 8FEDB67E6C6A6F2961D2901DC16CF821B0D9F650]

Use these grenade spots to save you the pain of losing elo over and over again.

Terrorist Side - A: Cross Smoke

Align your crosshair with the red sign. Run and throw when you cross the stairs.

[Image: BD9170046290AE60536692B59C5C379B124CE992]


[Image: 5B3B135B353B761C8896B6367D66A1598325AB42]

You are now free to cross Cross without retaliation from B, CT base, and Short A players.

Terrorist Side - A: A Short to CT base Smoke

Stand in the corner of this box and wall.
[Image: 05BE2557AA8C65A6E4751E1C48361A30B0B9BFCF]

Throw the grenade at the point where the top meets the roof as shown.
[Image: BE6D15A37FBF7A9785878F1A1E64C6E9596B4AE3]


[Image: 1A4B194861DCA98C672DB469E5F0E8223502DE26]

CT players now cannot rotate from base.

Terrorist Side - A: A Short to Goose Smoke

Align yourself with this protruding wall as shown.
[Image: 6CC5102C7A34B31F21616CFCE7BF4E9FBA51C6A6]

[Image: 18B35358BD6C90CAE07EE92BD42B889825D17A6D]

Aim at the intersection between the second balcony line and the top of the protruding metal.
[Image: BD9C764662CCCBD7BB1D32EDD35BDFD991CF8181]

Result: Goose is smoked out.

Terrorist Side - A: A Short to Site Molotov
Throw your molotov so it hits the pizza sign.

[Image: 9E912E8C62A2BC0E48C868EEA248DD00CDBB60FD]

[Image: 550632D9EC943E450B1B1DD5FED1D4EEA12942BA]

Terrorist Side - B: Site Smoke
Aim high on the tunnel wall.

[Image: C13B2FA3A31F5E4FB74E33131D46324F5BEB4E30]

[Image: 594545CB8E100CDA28FD7F7AF1E63BAF0F8DF23A]

Window, and if done properly, door and car are now blocked from view.
Notes: Run when throwing.

Terrorist Side - B: CT Base Middle Smoke
Stand in the corner of the box and the wall as shown.

[Image: 4DB2E79589F0EB8CA7AFBEA6D6CB8D23F1451571]

Throw the grenade so it hits the focused window.
[Image: 9FEFBFDDFCA0FB6EB43ADFC6284D80647CBA03E9]

[Image: AE16F50030FD63EDE05D9E148529FA017599B4A5]

Outside B is now open to a push without retaliation from the A side CTs.

Counter-Terrorist Side - A: Long A Doors Smoke
Stand behind the shown tire.

[Image: ED5211A040634C8ED22D64C399C6D21BA09F1B78]

Aim at the first X-intersection made by the wires.
[Image: 7943FA8082F23E8EBB26319318D27EE35C8CA769]

[Image: 3672C82148C0F542E79A98F1AFA868CB643B3D9E]

Notes: Lots of room for mistake.

Counter-Terrorist Side - B RETAKE: Popflash #1
Throw your flashbang at the small bump as shown.

[Image: B29AB34EEE0182F1DC54A955E2F3E46E1D1AF2B9]

Enemy Perspective:
[Image: 37EB624DBA1B7D6B7216AE79BCE7085A122C11BE]

Notes: Run when throwing.

Counter-Terrorist Side - A RETAKE: Popflash #1
Throw your flashbang/grenade at the small bump as shown.

[Image: 1A30AE6352AF23936BB031E44162712757EBBD1F]

Notes: Run when throwing. Done correctly, a frag here will do 60+ damage to a planting Terrorist.

Taking A Site

When coming from A Short, watch out for these common camp spots.

[Image: D2FD00408FE9AE67013FC74DDAB38F5EE042441E]

Smoke off Goose and be careful about moving into the site. I recommend that you jump down instead of trying to push through defenses without cover. After you jump down, watch out for the Terrorist who takes this spot.

[Image: FD7D299D56CCC63F0F1130FA6AFBBCCE9BECD693]

These boxes cannot be penetrated with non-sniper rifles.

[Image: 52EA40509FCF3E8F3342D7A2E1E5FE115D3A3919]

It might be worth trying to wallbang hiding players. It does do some damage.

[Image: 7E186C40588EEBFE9D920CB5AD9E185FC00A92AE]

A headshot is still an instant kill with an AWP, even through the boxes.

[Image: 461849CD2A9A602A7229A77306D655EB6B00F1A3]

As you push up through A short, watch out for players who camp here.

[Image: A3D1EABB05411F56A7FB5E687A0CEE75529F8030]

Just remember, you are extremely exposed no matter where you go. Grenades are essential for taking this site.
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10-28-2014, 04:03 PM
Ce are scout'u dark?
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06-26-2018, 12:27 AM
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